Factors influencing intention to participate in breast cancer screening. An exploratory structural model |
2023 |
López Panisello, M.B.; Pérez Lacasta, M.J., Rué, M., Carles Lavila, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Women's preference to apply shared decision-making in breast cancer screening: a discrete choice experiment |
2022 |
Hernández-Leal MJ; Pérez-Lacasta MJ; Cardona-Cardona A; Codern-Bové N; Vidal-Lancis C; Rué M; Forné C; Carles-Lavila M; Pro-Share Group |
Article d'investigació |
Feasibility and Acceptability of Personalized Breast Cancer Screening (DECIDO Study): A Single-Arm Proof-of-Concept Trial |
2022 |
Laza Vásquez, C.; Martínez Alonso, M.; Forné Izquierdo, C.; Vilaplana Mayoral, J.; Cruz Esteve, I.; Sánchez López, I.; Reñé Reñé, M.; Cazorla Sánchez, C.; Hernández Andreu, M.; Galindo Ortego, G.; Llo |
Article d'investigació |
Avances hacia el cribado personalizado del cáncer de mama: el papel de la Atención Primaria |
2022 |
Pons Rodriguez, A.; Marzo Castillejo, M.; Cruz Esteve, I.; Galindo Ortego, G.; Hernández Leal, M.J.; Rué, M. |
Article d'investigació |
The Effect of Clusters of Double Triggering and Ineffective Efforts in Critically Ill Patients |
2022 |
Magrans, R.; Ferreira, F.; Sarlabous, L.; López-Aguilar, J.; Gomà, G.; Fernandez Gonzalo, S.; Navarra Ventura, G.; Fernández, R.; Montanyà, J.; Kacmarek, R.; Rué, M.; Forné, C.; Blanch, L.; de Haro, C |
Article d'investigació |
Views of health professionals on risk-based breast cancer screening and its implementation in the Spanish National Health System: A qualitative discussion group study |
2022 |
Laza Vásquez, Celmira; Codern Bové, Núria; Cardona Cardona, Àngels; Hernández Leal, María José; Pérez Lacasta, María José; Carles Lavila, Misericòrdia; Rué, Montserrat |
Article d'investigació |
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a personalized breast cancer screening program: Views of Spanish health professionals |
2022 |
Laza Vásquez, Celmira; Hernández Leal, María José; Carles Lavila, Misericòrdia; Pérez Lacasta, Maria José; Cruz Esteve, Inés; Rué, Montserrat; |
Article d'investigació |
Use of healthcare resources and drug expenditure before and after treatment of chronic hepatitis C with direct antiviral agents |
2021 |
Vergara, Mercedes; Miquel, Mireia; Vela, Emili; Cleries, Montserrat; Pontes, Caridad; Prat, Alba; Rué, Montse |
Article d'investigació |
Longitudinal changes in patient-ventilator asynchronies and respiratory system mechanics before and after tracheostomy |
2021 |
Lena, Enrico; Aquino Esperanza, José; López Aguilar, Josefina; Magrans, Rudys; de Haro, Candelaria; Sarlabous, Leonardo; López, Neus; Montanyà, Jaume; Rué, Montserrat; Kacmarek, Robert M; Lucangelo, U |
Article d'investigació |
Association of premenopausal risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy with breast cancer risk in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers: Maximising bias-reduction |
2020 |
Stjepanovic N; Villacampa G; Nead KT, Torres-Esquius S; Gomez-Melis ; Nathanson KL; Teule A; Brunet J; Ramon-y-Cajal T; Llort G; Dienstmann R; Rue M; Domchek SM; Balmaña J |
Article d'investigació |
Cognitive phenotypes 1 month after ICU discharge in mechanically ventilated patients: a prospective observational cohort study |
2020 |
Fernández Gonzalo, S.; Navarra Ventura, G.; Bacardit, N.; Gomà Fernández, G.; de Haro, C.; Subirà, C.; López Aguilar, J.; Magrans, R.; Sarlabous, L.; Aquino Esperanza, J.; Jodar, M.; Rué, M.; Ochagaví |
Article d'investigació |
Development and validation of a sample entropy-based method to identify complex patient-ventilator interactions during mechanical ventilation |
2020 |
Sarlabous, L.; Aquino Esperanza, J.; Magrans, R.; de Haro, C.; López Aguilar, J.; Subirà, C.; Batlle, M.; Rué, M.; Gomà, G.; Ochagavia, A.; Fernández, R.; Blanch, Ll. |
Article d'investigació |
Feasibility and acceptability of personalised breast cancer screening (DECIDO study): protocol of a single-arm proof-of-concept trial |
2020 |
Pons Rodriguez, A.; Forné Izquierdo, C.; Vilaplana Mayoral, J.; Cruz Esteve, I.; Sánchez López, I.; Reñé Reñé, M.; Cazorla, C.; Hernández Andreu, M.; Galindo Ortego, G.; Llorens Gabandé, M.; Laza Vásq |
Article d'investigació |
Informed choice in breast cancer screening: the role of education |
2020 |
Pons-Rodríguez A; Martínez-Alonso M; Perestelo-Pérez L; Garcia M; Sala M; Rué M |
Article d'investigació |
Economic evaluations of screening strategies for the early detection of colorectal cancer in the average-risk population: A systematic literature review |
2019 |
Mendivil J; Appierto M; Aceituno S; Comas M; Rué M |
Article d'investigació |
Effects of sedatives and opioids on trigger and cycling asynchronies throughout mechanical ventilation: an observational study in a large dataset from critically ill patients |
2019 |
de Haro C; Magrans R; López-Aguilar J; Montanyà J; Lena E; Subirà C; Fernandez-Gonzalo S; Gomà G; Fernández R; Albaiceta GM; Skrobik Y; Lucangelo U; Murias G; Ochagavia A; Kacmarek RM; Rué M; Blanch L |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of information about the benefits and harms of mammography on women's decision making: The InforMa randomised controlled trial |
2019 |
Pérez-Lacasta, MJ; Martínez-Alonso, M; Garcia, M; Sala, M; Perestelo-Pérez, L; Vidal, C; Codern-Bové, N; Feijoo-Cid, M; Toledo-Chávarri, A; Cardona, A; Pons, A; Carles-Lavila; Rue, M |
Article d'investigació |
Assessing sleep health in a European population: Results of the Catalan Health Survey 2015. |
2018 |
Dalmases M, Benítez ID, Mas A, Garcia-Codina O, Medina-Bustos A, Escarrabill J, Saltó E, Buysse DJ, Roure N, Sánchez-de-la-Torre M, Rué M, Barbé F, de Batlle J. |
Article d'investigació |
Double cycling during mechanical ventilation: frequency, mechanisms, and physiologic implications |
2018 |
de Haro C; López-Aguilar J; Magrans R; Montanya J; Fernández-Gonzalo S; Turon M; Gomà G; Chacón E; Albaiceta GM; Fernández R; Subirà C; Lucangelo U; Murias G; Rué M; Kacmarek RM; Blanch L |
Article d'investigació |
Lipid profile in human frontal cortex is sustained throughout healthy adult lifespan to decay at advanced ages |
2018 |
Cabré R; Naudí A; Dominguez-Gonzalez M; Jové M; Ayala V; Mota-Martorell N; Pradas I; Nogueras L; Rué M; Portero-Otín M; Ferrer I; Pamplona R |
Article d'investigació |
Characterization of the CPAP-treated patient population in Catalonia |
2017 |
Turino C; Bertran S; Gavaldá R; Teixidó I; Woehrle H; Rué M; Solsona F; Escarrabill J; Colls C; García-Altés A; de Batlle J; Sánchez de-la-Torre M; Barbé F |
Article d'investigació |
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of double reading in digital mammography screening: A systematic review and meta-analysis |
2017 |
Posso M; Puig T; Carles M; Rué M; Canelo-Aybar C; Bonfill X |
Article d'investigació |
Bayesian joint modeling of bivariate longitudinal and competing risks data: An application to study patient-ventilator asynchronies in critical care patients |
2017 |
Rué, M; Andrinopoulou, ER; Alvares, D; Armero, C; Forte, A; Blanch, Ll |
Article d'investigació |
Assessment of the effects of decision aids about breast cancer screening : a systematic review and meta-analysis |
2017 |
Martínez-Alonso M, Carles-Lavila, M; Pérez-Lacasta, MJ; Pons-Rodríguez, A; Garcia, M; Rué, M; InforMa Group |
Article d'investigació |
The effect of information about the benefits and harms of mammography on women's decision-making: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. |
2017 |
Carles M; Martínez-Alonso M; Pons A; Pérez-Lacasta MJ; Perestelo-Pérez L; Sala M; Vidal C; Garcia M; Toledo-Chávarri A; Codern N; Feijoo-Cid M; Romero A; Pla R; Soler-González J; Castells X;, Rué M |
Article d'investigació |
Cardiac troponin values in patients with acute coronary syndrome and sleep apnea: a pilot study |
2017 |
Sánchez-de-la-Torre, A; Soler, X; Barbé, F; Florés, M; Maisel, A; Malhotra, A; Rué, M; Bertran, S; Aldomá, A; Worner, F; Valls, J; Lee, CH; Turino, C; Galera, E; de Batlle, J; Sánchez-de-la-Torre, M; |
Article d'investigació |
Sixty years-old is the breakpoint of the human frontal cortex aging. |
2017 |
Cabré R; Naudí A; Dominguez-Gonzalez M; Ayala V; Jové M; Mota-Martorell N; Piñol-Ripoll G;Gil-Villar MP; Rué M; Portero-Otín M; Ferrer I; Pamplona R |
Article d'investigació |
Region-specific vulnerability to lipid peroxidation and evidence of neuronal mechanisms for polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in the healthy adult human central nervous system |
2017 |
Naudí A, Cabré R, Dominguez-Gonzalez M, Ayala V, Jové M, Mota-Martorell N, Piñol-Ripoll G, Gil-Villar MP, Rué M, Portero-Otín M, Ferrer I, Pamplona R. |
Article d'investigació |
A qualitative study on a decision aid for breast cancer screening: Views from women and health professionals |
2017 |
Toledo-Chávarri A; Rué M; Codern-Bové N; Carles-Lavila M; Perestelo-Pérez L; Pérez-Lacasta MJ; Feijoo-Cid M; InforMa Study Group |
Article d'investigació |
Cost-effectiveness of double reading versus single reading of mammograms in a breast cancer screening programme |
2016 |
Posso M; Carles C; Rué M; Puig T; Bonfill X |
Article d'investigació |
Bayesian joint ordinal and survival modeling for breast cancer risk assessment |
2016 |
Armero C; Forné C; Rué M; Forte A; Perpiñán H; Gómez G; Baré M |
Article d'investigació |
Economic evaluation of the breast cancer screening programme in the Basque Country: retrospective cost-effectiveness and budget impact analysis |
2016 |
Arrospide A, Rué M, van Ravesteyn N, Comas M, Soto-Gordoa M, Sarriugarte G, Mar J. |
Article d'investigació |
Frequentist and Bayesian approaches for a joint model for prostate cancer risk and longitudinal prostate-specific antigen data |
2015 |
Serrat C; Rue M; Armero C; Piulachs X; Perpinan H; Forte A; Paez A; Gomez G |
Article d'investigació |
Evaluation of health benefits and harms of the breast cancer screening programme in the Basque Country using discrete event simulation |
2015 |
Arrospide A; Rué M; van Ravesteyn NT; Comas M; Larrañaga N; Sarriugarte G; Mar J |
Article d'investigació |
Impact of risk factors on different interval cancer subtypes in a population-based breast cancer screening programme |
2014 |
Blanch J, Sala M, Ibáñez J, Domingo L, Fernández B, Otegi A, Barata T, Zubizarreta R, Ferrer J, Castells X, Rué M, Sala D, for the INCA Study Group |
Article d'investigació |
Cost-effectiveness and harm-benefit analyses of risk-based screening strategies for breast cancer |
2014 |
Vilaprinyo E, Forné C, Carles M, Sala M, Pla R, Castells X, Domingo L, Rue M. and the Interval Cancer (INCA) Study Group |
Article d'investigació |
Assessing the impact of early detection biases on breast cancer survival of Catalan women |
2014 |
Roso-Llorach A; Forné C; Macià F; Galceran J; Marcos-Gragera R; Rué M |
Article d'investigació |
Trends in detection of invasive cancer and ductal carcinoma in situ at biennial screening mammography in Spain: A retrospective cohort study |
2013 |
Román M, Rué M, Sala M, Ascunce N, Baré M, Baroja A, De la Vega M, Galcerán J, Natal C, Salas D, Sánchez-Jacob M, Zubizarreta R, Castells X. |
Article d'investigació |
An assessment of existing models for individualized breast cancer risk estimation in a screening program in Spain |
2013 |
Arrospide A; Forné C; Rué M; Torà N; Mar J; Baré M |
Article d'investigació |
Prognostic relevance of integrated genetic profiling in adult T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
2013 |
Van Vlierberghe P; Ambesi-Impiombato A; De Keersmaecker K; Hadler M; Paietta E; Tallman MS; Rowe JM; Forné C; Rué M; Ferrando AA |
Article d'investigació |
Cumulative risk of cancer detection in breast cancer screening by protocol strategy |
2013 |
Blanch J; Sala M; Román M; Ederra M; Salas D; Zubizarreta R; Sánchez M; Rué M; Castells X; the CFPR group |
Article d'investigació |
Comparison of immigrant and native-born population adherence to antipsychotic treatment in a spanish health region |
2013 |
Forcada I, Pera V, Cruz I, Serra C, Rué M, Galván L, Pifarré J. |
Article d'investigació |
Current status of research in breast cancer screening in Spain: implications for prevention |
2012 |
Sala M; Salas D; Zubizarreta R; Ascunce N; Rué M; Castells X |
Article d'investigació |
Contribution of early detection and adjuvant treatments to breast cancer mortality reduction in Catalonia, Spain |
2012 |
Vilaprinyo E; Puig T, Rue M |
Article d'investigació |
How to Optimize Population Screening Programs for Breast Cancer Using Mathematical Models |
2012 |
Rue M; Carles M; Vilaprinyo E; Pla R; Martinez-Alonso M; Forne C; Roso A; Arrospide A |
Capítol de llibre d'investigació |
Rapid increase in incidence of breast ductal carcinoma in situ in Girona, Spain 1983-2007 |
2012 |
Puig-Vives M; Pollán M; Rué M; Osca-Gelis G; Sáez M; Izquierdo A; Marcos-Gragera R |
Article d'investigació |
Duration and compliance with antidepressant treatment in immigrant and native-born populations in Spain: a four year follow-up descriptive study |
2012 |
Cruz I; Serna C; Rué M; Real J; Soler-González J; Galván L |
Article d'investigació |
Cost-effectiveness of early detection of breast cancer in Catalonia (Spain) |
2011 |
Carles M; Vilaprinyo E; Cots F; Gregori A; Pla R; Román R; Sala M; Macià F; Castells X; Rué M |
Article d'investigació |
ETV6 mutations in early immature human T-cell leukemias |
2011 |
Van Vlierberghe P; Ambesi-Impiombato A; Perez-Garcia A; Haydu JE, Rigo I, Hadler M, Tosello V, Della Gatta G; Paietta E; Racevskis J, Luger SM, Rowe JM, Rué M; Ferrando AA |
Article d'investigació |
Comparative exposure to antipsychotic medications in immigrant and native-born populations of a Spanish health region |
2011 |
Cruz I; Serna MC; Rué M; Real J; Galván L; Pifarré J |
Article d'investigació |
Evolución de la mortalidad por cáncer de mama y diseminación de la mamografía de cribado en Cataluña. Un análisis por regiones sanitarias. The evolution of breast cancer mortality and the disseminatio |
2010 |
Pérez-Lacasta MJ; Gregori A; Carles M; Gispert R; Martínez-Alonso M; Vilaprinyo E; Pla R; Rué M |
Article d'investigació |
Comparison of the consumption of antidepressants in the immigrant and native populations in a Spanish health region: an observational study |
2010 |
Cruz I, Serna C, Real J, Rue M, Soler J, Galvan L. |
Article d'investigació |
Estudio observacional del gasto farmacéutico en población inmigrante y autóctona de la región sanitaria de Lleida (Cataluña). [Observational study on drug spending in the immigrant and the indigenous |
2010 |
Rué M; Bosch A; Serna MC; Soler-González J; Galván L; Cruz I |
Article d'investigació |
Breast cancer incidence and overdiagnosis in Catalonia (Spain) |
2010 |
Martinez-Alonso M, Vilaprinyo E, Marcos-Gragera R, Rue M. |
Article d'investigació |
Estudio descriptivo sobre el uso de la anticoncepción de emergencia en Cataluña. Comparación entre una zona rural y una urbana |
2009 |
Ros R, Miret M, Rué M |
Article d'investigació |
Disease-specific health-related quality of life questionnaires for heart failure: a systematic review with meta-analyses |
2009 |
Garin O, Ferrer M, Pont A, Rue M, Kotzeva A, Wiklund I, Van Ganse E, Alonso J |
Article d'investigació |
Effectiveness of early detection on breast cancer mortality reduction in Catalonia (Spain) |
2009 |
Rue M, Vilaprinyo E, Lee S, Martinez-Alonso M, Carles M, Marcos-Gragera R, Pla R, Espinas, JA |
Article d'investigació |
Estimation of age- and stage-specific Catalan breast cancer survival functions using US and Catalan survival data |
2009 |
Vilaprinyo E; Rue M; Marcos-Gragera R; Martinez-Alonso M |
Article d'investigació |
Emergency hospital services utilization in Lleida (Spain): A cross-sectional study of immigrant and Spanish-born populations |
2008 |
Rue M, Cabré X, Soler-Gonzalez J, Bosch A, Almirall M, Serna MC |
Article d'investigació |
Differences in pharmaceutical consumption and expenses between immigrant and Spanish-born populations in Lleida,(Spain): A 6-months prospective observational study |
2008 |
Rue M, Serna MC, Soler-Gonzalez J, Bosch A, Ruiz-Magaz MC, Galvan L |
Article d'investigació |
Accuracy of pleural fluid cytology in malignant effusions |
2008 |
Bielsa S, Panades MJ, Egido R, Rue M, Salud A, Matias-Guiu X, Rodriguez-Panadero F, Porcel JM |
Article d'investigació |
Sick leave among native and immigrant workers in Spain-a 6-month follow-up study |
2008 |
Soler J, Serna MC, Bosch A, Ruiz MC, Huertas E, Rué M. |
Article d'investigació |
Use of primary care resources by immigrants and the autochthonous persons who contact the care services in the city of Lleida, Spain |
2008 |
Soler-González J, Serna Arnáiz C, Rué Monné M, Bosch Gaya A, Ruiz Magaz MC, Gervilla Caño J. |
Article d'investigació |
Competing Risks to Breast Cancer Mortality in Catalonia |
2008 |
Vilaprinyo E, Gispert R, Martinez-Alonso M, Carles M, Pla R, Espinas JA, Rue M |
Article d'investigació |
Dissemination of periodic mammography and patterns of use, by birth cohort, in Catalonia (Spain) |
2008 |
Rue M, Carles M, Vilaprinyo E, Martinez-Alonso M, Espinas JA, Pla R, Brugulat P |
Article d'investigació |
The bronchodilator test in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: interpretation methods |
2007 |
Rodriguez-Carballeira M, Heredia JL, Rue M, Quintana S, Almagro P. |
Article d'investigació |
Mineral metabolism parameters throughout chronic kidney disease stages 1-5 - achievement of K/DOQI target ranges |
2007 |
Craver L, Marco MP, Martínez I, Rue M, Borràs M, Martín ML, Sarró F, Valdivielso JM, Fernández E |
Article d'investigació |
Univariate parametric survival analysis using GS-distributions |
2006 |
Sorribas A, Muiño JM, Rué M, Fibla J. |
Article d'investigació |
Phase III study of PSC-833 (Valspodar) in combination with vincristine, doxorubicin, and dexamethasone (Valspodar/VAD) versus VAD alone in patients with recurring or refractory multiple myeloma (E1A95 |
2006 |
Friedenberg WR, Rue M, Blood EA, Dalton WS, Shustik C, Larson RA, Sonneveld P, Greipp PR |
Article d'investigació |
Benefits of low weekly doses of methotrexate in steroid-dependent asthmatic patients. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. |
2006 |
Comet R, Domingo C, Larrosa M, Moron A, Rue M, Amengual MJ, Marin A. |
Article d'investigació |
Manual del programa R |
2006 |
Sorribas A, Rué M |
Publicació electrònica docent |
Complementary medicine use before and 1 year following genetic testing for BRCA1/2 mutations |
2006 |
Digianni LM, Rue M, Emmons K, Garber JE |
Article d'investigació |
A predictive index for the diagnosis of cirrhosis in hepatitis C based on clinical, laboratory, and ultrasound findings |
2006 |
Dalmau B, Gil M, Gómez MV, Domingo JP, Cueto RB, Rue M, Real J, Guiteras PM |
Article d'investigació |
Influence of mineral metabolism parameters on pulse pressure in healthy subjects |
2006 |
Muray S, Marco MP, Craver L, Rue M, Valdivielso JM, Fernández E |
Article d'investigació |
Impact of diversity of antibiotic use on the development of antimicrobial resistance |
2006 |
Sandiumenge A, Diaz E, Rodriguez A, Vidaur L, Canadell L, Olona M, Rue M, Rello J |
Article d'investigació |
Flip is frequently expressed in endometrial carcinoma and has a role in resistance to TRAIL-induced apoptosis |
2005 |
Dolcet X, Llobet D, Pallares J, Rue M, Matias-Guiu X. |
Article d'investigació |
Does an oral analgesic protocol improve pain control for patients with cancer? An intergroup study coordinated by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group |
2005 |
Cleeland CS, Portenoy RK, Rue M, Mendoza TR, Weller E, Payne R, Kirshner J, Atkins JN, Johnson PA, Marcus A |
Article d'investigació |
The impact of the VF-14 index, a perceived visual function measure, in the routine management of cataract patients |
2005 |
Valderas JM, Rue M, Guyatt G, Alonso J |
Article d'investigació |
Immunohistochemical analysis of PTEN in endometrial carcinoma. A tissue microarray study with a comparison of four commercial antibodies in correlation with molecular abnormalities |
2005 |
Pallares J, Bussaglia E, Martinez-Guitarte JL, Dolcet X, Llobet D, Rue M, Sanchez-Verde L, Palacios J, Prat J, Matias-Guiu X. |
Article d'investigació |
Survivin expression in endometrial carcinoma. A tissue microarray study with correlation with PTEN and STAT-3 |
2005 |
Pallares J, Martinez JL, Dolcet X, Llobet D, Rue M, Palacios J, Prat J, Matias-Guiu X. |
Article d'investigació |
Initial immunoglobulin M ’flare’ after rituximab therapy in patients diagnosed with Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia: an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Study |
2004 |
Ghobrial IM, Fonseca R, Greipp PR, Blood E, Rue M, Vesole DH, Gertz MA |
Article d'investigació |
Multicenter phase 2 trial of rituximab for Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia (WM): an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Study (E3A98) |
2004 |
Gertz MA, Rue M, Blood E, Kaminer LS, Vesole DH, Greipp PR |
Article d'investigació |
High tumor incidence and activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway in transgenic mice define AIB1 as an oncogene |
2004 |
Torres-Arzayus MI, Font de Mora J, Yuan J, Vazquez F, Bronson R, Rue M, Sellers WR, Brown M. |
Article d'investigació |
Genetic counseling program in familial breast cancer: analysis of its effectiveness, cost and cost-effectiveness ratio |
2004 |
Balmana J, Sanz J, Bonfill X, Casado A, Rue M, Gich I, Diez O, Sabate JM, Baiget M, Alonso MC |
Article d'investigació |
Abnormalities in NF-kB family and related proteins in endometrial carcinoma. A tissue microarray study |
2004 |
Pallares J, Martinez-Guitarte JL, Dolcet X, Llobet D, Rue M, Palacios J, Prat J, Matias-Guiu X. |
Article d'investigació |
Outcomes of a randomized trial of hyperfractionated cranial radiation therapy for treatment of high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia: therapeutic efficacy and neurotoxicity |
2004 |
Waber DP, Silverman LB, Catania L, Mautz W, Rue M, Gelber RD, Levy DE, Goldwasser MA, Adams H, Dufresne A, Metzger V, Romero I, Tarbell NJ, Dalton VK, Sallan SE. |
Article d'investigació |
Utilization of Ig heavy chain variable, diversity, and joining gene segments in children with B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia: implications for the mechanisms of VDJ recombination and for patho |
2004 |
Li A, Rue M, Zhou J, Wang H, Goldwasser MA, Neuberg D, Dalton V, Zuckerman D, Lyons C, Silverman LB, Sallan SE, Gribben JG |
Article d'investigació |
Central nervous system metastases in women who receive trastuzumab-based therapy for metastatic breast carcinoma |
2003 |
Bendell JC, Domchek SM, Burstein HJ, Harris L, Younger J, Kuter I, Bunnell C, Rue M, Gelman R, Winer E. |
Article d'investigació |
Brief Physician-Initiated Quit Smoking Strategies for Clinical Oncology Settings: A Trial Coordinated by the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group |
2003 |
Schnoll RA, Zhang B, Rue M, Krook JE, Spears WT, Marcus AC, Engstrom PF |
Article d'investigació |
Sequence analysis of clonal immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor gene rearrangements in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia at diagnosis and at relapse: implications for pathogenesis and for the |
2003 |
Li A, Zhou J, Zuckerman D, Rue M, Dalton V, Lyons C, Silverman LB, Sallan SE, Gribben JG |
Article d'investigació |
Height and weight in children treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia: relationship to CNS treatment |
2003 |
Dalton VK, Rue M, Silverman LB, Gelber RD, Asselin BL, Barr RD, Clavell LA, Hurwitz CA, Moghrabi A, Samson Y, Schorin M, Tarbell NJ, Sallan SE, Cohen LE |
Article d'investigació |
Multidimensional independent predictors of cancer-related fatigue |
2003 |
Hwang SS, Chang VT, Rue M, Kasimis B |
Article d'investigació |
Clinical and biologic implications of recurrent genomic aberrations in myeloma |
2003 |
Fonseca R, Blood E, Rue M, Harrington D, Oken MM, Kyle RA, Dewald GW, Van Ness B, Van Wier SA, Henderson KJ, Bailey RJ, Greipp PR |
Article d'investigació |
Long-term effects of almitrine bismesylate in COPD patients with chronic hypoxaemia |
2003 |
Sans-Torres J, Domingo C, Moron A, Rue M, Marin A |
Article d'investigació |
Oncogenic role of the ubiquitin ligase subunit Skp2 in human breast cancer |
2002 |
Signoretti S, di Marcotullio L, Richardson A, Ramaswamy S, Carrano AC, Isaac B, Rue M, Monti F, Ravaioli A, Loda M, Pagano M |
Article d'investigació |
Daily assessment of severity of illness and mortality prediction for individual patients |
2001 |
Rue M, Quintana S, Alvarez M, Artigas A |
Article d'investigació |
Mortality probability models for patients admitted in conventional hospital units |
2001 |
Rue M, Roque M, Sola J, Macia M |
Article d'investigació |
Percepción del estado de salud en varones y mujeres en las últimas etapas de la vida |
2001 |
Seculi E, Fuste J, Brugulat P, Junca S, Rue M, Guillen M |
Article d'investigació |
Variabilidad en las actividades preventivas en los equipos de atención primaria de Cataluña. Aplicación del análisis de niveles múltiples |
2001 |
Fuste J, Rue M |
Article d'investigació |
The bronchodilator test with increasing doses of terbutaline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients |
2001 |
Rodriguez-Carballeira M, Heredia JL, Rue M, Quintana S, Gomez L |
Article d'investigació |
Trends in social class inequalities in health status, health-related behaviors, and health services utilization in a southern european urban area (1983-1994) |
2000 |
Borrell C, Rue M, Pasarin MI, Rohlfs I, Ferrando J, Fernandez E |
Article d'investigació |
La medición de las desigualdades en salud |
2000 |
Borrell C, Rue M, Pasarin MI, Benach J, Kunst AE |
Article d'investigació |
Interobserver variability of the measurement of the mortality probability models (MPM II) in the assessment of severity-of-illness |
2000 |
Rue M, Valero C, Quintana S, Artigas A, Alvarez M |
Article d'investigació |
Performance of the Mortality Probability Models (MPM II) in assessing severity of illness during the first week in the Intensive Care Unit |
2000 |
Rue M, Artigas A, Alvarez M, Quintana S, Valero C |
Article d'investigació |
Inequalities in mortality by social class in men in Barcelona, Spain |
2000 |
Puigpinos R, Borrell C, Pasarin MI, Montella N, Perez G, Plasencia A, Rue M |
Article d'investigació |
Effect of sample design on the analysis of complex surveys. Application to the Catalonia health survey, Spain |
2000 |
Guillen M, Junca S, Rue M, Aragay JM |
Article d'investigació |
Influence of proxy respondents in children's health interview surveys |
1999 |
Rajmil L, Fernandez E, Gispert R, Rue M, Glutting JP, Plasencia A, Segura A |
Article d'investigació |
Gender, sequence of cases and day effects on clinical skills assessment with standardized patients . |
1999 |
Gispert R, Rue M, Roma J, Martinez-Carretero JM |
Article d'investigació |
An assessment of the quality of life of patients with COPD and chronic hypoxemia by using the Spanish version of the Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire |
1999 |
Sans-Torres J, Domingo C, Rue M, Duran-Tauleria E, Marin A |
Article d'investigació |
The use of treatment modality specific analysis according to Selwood in epidemiological studies |
1999 |
Vela E, Cleries M, Rue M. |
Article d'investigació |
Identification of factors that influence tolerance of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy |
1999 |
Campo R, Brullet E, Montserrat A, Calvet X, Moix J, Rue M, Roque M, Donoso L, Bordas JM |
Article d'investigació |
Prevalencia de bronquitis crónica, asma y limitación del flujo aéreo en un área urbana-industrial de Cataluña |
1999 |
Jaen A, Ferrer A, Ormaza I, Rue M, Domingo C, Marin A |
Article d'investigació |
Mental health expectancy: an indicator to bridge the gap between clinical and public health perspectives of population mental health |
1998 |
Gispert R, Ritchie K, Rajmil L, Rue M, Glutting JP, Roset M. |
Article d'investigació |
Hyperechoic liver nodules: characterization with proton fat-water chemical shift MR imaging |
1998 |
Martin J, Puig J, Falco J, Donoso L, Rue M, Sentis M, Darnell A, Musulen E. |
Article d'investigació |
Mortality prediction in head trauma patients: performance of Glasgow Coma Score and general severity systems |
1998 |
Alvarez M, Nava JM, Rue M, Quintana S. |
Article d'investigació |
Survival in patients with nosocomial pneumonia: impact of the severity of illness and the etiologic agent |
1997 |
Rello J, Rue M, Jubert P, Muses G, Sonora R, Valles J, Niederman MS. |
Article d'investigació |
Comparison of cytospat and pipelle endometrial biopsy instruments |
1997 |
Antoni J, Folch E, Costa J, Foradada CM, Cayuela E, Combalia N, Rue M |
Article d'investigació |
Cancer mortality in the counties of Catalonia (1983-1989) |
1997 |
Bonfill X, Roura P, Moreno C, Rivero E, Rue M. |
Article d'investigació |
Mortality and hospital stay adjusted for severity as indicators of effectiveness and efficiency of the care provided to critically ill patients. European and North American Study of Severity Systems |
1997 |
Rue M, Roque M, Mestre J, Artigas A, Bonfill X. |
Article d'investigació |
Assessment of the prognosis of coronary patients - Performance and customization of generic severity indexes |
1997 |
Sarmiento X, Rue M, Guardiola JJ, Toboso JM, Soler M, Artigas A. |
Article d'investigació |
Evaluation of outcome for intubated patients with pneumonia due to Pseudomonas aeruginos |
1996 |
Rello J, Jubert P, Valles J, Artigas A, Rue M, Niederman MS. |
Article d'investigació |
Comparison of in-phase and opposed-phase GRE and conventional SE MR pulse sequences in T1-weighted imaging of liver lesions |
1996 |
Martin J, Sentis M, Puig J, Rue M, Falco J, Donoso L, Zidan A. |
Article d'investigació |
Factors predicting failure of endoscopic injection therapy in bleeding duodenal ulcer |
1996 |
Brullet E, Calvet X, Campo R, Rue M, Catot L, Donoso L. |
Article d'investigació |
Lung cancer mortality among males of Catalonia and Spain compared with other European countries between 1975-1977 and 1987-1989 |
1996 |
Bonfill X, Moreno C, Prada G, Rivero E, Rue M. |
Article d'investigació |
Pneumonia in intubated patients: role of respiratory airway care |
1996 |
Rello J, Sonora R, Jubert P, Artigas A, Rue M, Valles J. |
Article d'investigació |
Measuring health and health state preferences among critically ill patients |
1996 |
Badia X, Diaz-Prieto A, Rue M, Patrick DL. |
Article d'investigació |
Use of mortality probability models (MPM II) in the evaluation of the effectiveness of care of critically ill patients. European and North American Study of Severity Systems |
1996 |
Rue M, Lemeshow S, Artigas A, Mestre J, Bonfill X. |
Article d'investigació |
Spinal anesthesia with bupivacaine and fentanyl in geriatric patients |
1996 |
Fernandez-Galinski D, Rue M, Moral V, Castells C, Puig MM. |
Article d'investigació |
Mortality experience of Catalonia: description and comparison by age and gender |
1995 |
Rue M, Alegre A, Perez G. |
Article d'investigació |
Changes in cancer mortality in Catalonia and Spain (1975-77 and 1987-89). A comparison with other European countries |
1995 |
Bonfill X, Rivero E, Moreno C, Rue M. |
Article d'investigació |
Customized probability models for early severe sepsis in adult intensive care patients. Intensive Care Unit Scoring Group |
1995 |
Le Gall JR, Lemeshow S, Leleu G, Klar J, Huillard J, Rue M, Teres D, Artigas A. |
Article d'investigació |
Mortality probability models for patients in the intensive care unit for 48 or 72 hours: a prospective, multicenter study |
1994 |
Lemeshow S, Klar J, Teres D, Avrunin JS, Gehlbach SH, Rapoport J, Rue M. |
Article d'investigació |
Subaracnoid anesthesia (SAA) and postoperative analgesia with bupivacaine (BV) plus fentanyl (FN) in geriatric patients |
1993 |
Fernandez D, Castells C, Rue M, Bernaus M, Puig MM |
Article d'investigació |
Tendencies of mortality from cardiovascular diseases in Catalonia: 1975-1992 |
1993 |
Brotons C, Rue M, Rivero E, Perez G. |
Article d'investigació |
Surveillance of nosocomial infection in a county hospital-The results of incidence and prevalence studies carried out over 2 years |
1993 |
Javaloyas M, Garcia D, Casasin T, Colomer J, Bonfill X, Brotons C, Rue M |
Article d'investigació |
The Prevalence of pain in hospitalized patients |
1993 |
Canellas M, Bosch F, Bassols A, Rue M, Banos JE. |
Article d'investigació |
The effectiveness of breast cancer screening in our country |
1992 |
Bonfill X, Marzo MM, Medina C, Roura P, Rue M. |
Article d'investigació |
Years of potential life lost: comparison of 3 calculation methods |
1991 |
Mingot M, Rue M, Borrell C. |
Article d'investigació |
A descriptive epidemiological-study of ulcerative colitis in a community-hospital (1985-1989) |
1991 |
Brullet E, Rue M, Montserrat A, Gil M, Malet A, Mas P, Bonfill X. |
Article d'investigació |
Ecological association between hypertension and stroke in Catalonia (Spain) - Development and use od an ecological regression model |
1990 |
Tresserras R, Serra-Majem L, Canela J, Armario P, Pardell H, Rue M, Salleras L |
Article d'investigació |
Mortalidad innecesariamente prematura y sanitariamente evitable |
1990 |
Gispert R, Rue M, Ortun V. |
Article d'investigació |
The capacity for organ generation of hospitals in Catalonia, Spain. A multicenter study |
1989 |
Espinel E, Deulofeu R, Sabater R, Manalich M, Domingo P, Rue M |
Article d'investigació |