The Effect of Clusters of Double Triggering and Ineffective Efforts in Critically Ill Patients |
2022 |
Magrans, R.; Ferreira, F.; Sarlabous, L.; López-Aguilar, J.; Gomà, G.; Fernandez Gonzalo, S.; Navarra Ventura, G.; Fernández, R.; Montanyà, J.; Kacmarek, R.; Rué, M.; Forné, C.; Blanch, L.; de Haro, C |
Article d'investigació |
Independent effects of secondary hyperparathyroidism and hyperphosphataemia on chronic kidney disease progression and cardiovascular events: an analysis from the NEFRONA cohort |
2021 |
Bozic, M.; Diaz Tocados, J.M.; Bermudez Lopez, M.; Forné, C.; Martinez, C.; Fernandez, E.; Valdivielso, J.M. |
Article d'investigació |
A pilot study of the efficacy on an adventure therapy programme on bordeline personality disorder. A pragmàtic controlled clinical trial |
2021 |
Mendo Cullell, M.; Arenas Pijoan, L.; Forne, C.; Fernandez Oñate, D.; Ruiz de Cortázar Gracia, N.; Facal, C.; Torrent, A.; Palacios, R.; Pifarré, J.; Batalla, I. |
Article d'investigació |
Health Care Costs in Patients with and without Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Spain |
2021 |
Alonso Perez, E.; Forné, C.; Soro, M.; Valls, M.; Manganelli, A.G.; Valdivielso, J.M. |
Article d'investigació |
A cost-utility analysis of increasing percutaneous coronary intervention use in elderly patients with acute coronary syndromes in six European countries |
2020 |
Forné, C.; Subirana, I.; Blanch, J.; Ferrieres, J.; Azevedo, A.; Meisinger, C.; Farmakis, D.; Tavazzi, L.; Davoli, M.; Ramos, R.; Brosa, M.; Marrugat, J.; Dégano, I.R. |
Article d'investigació |
Feasibility and acceptability of personalised breast cancer screening (DECIDO study): protocol of a single-arm proof-of-concept trial |
2020 |
Pons Rodriguez, A.; Forné Izquierdo, C.; Vilaplana Mayoral, J.; Cruz Esteve, I.; Sánchez López, I.; Reñé Reñé, M.; Cazorla, C.; Hernández Andreu, M.; Galindo Ortego, G.; Llorens Gabandé, M.; Laza Vásq |
Article d'investigació |
REMOTE Ischemic Perconditioning Among Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients in Catalonia: REMOTE-CAT PROJECT. |
2020 |
Purroy, F.; Arque, G.; Mauri, G.; García Vázquez, C.; Vicente Pascual, M.; Pereira, C.; Vazquez Justes, D.; Torres Querol, C.; Vena, A.; Abilleira, S.; Cardona, P.; Forné, C.; Jiménez Fàbrega, X.; Pag |
Article d'investigació |
An in-depth analysis shows a hidden atherogenic lipoprotein profile in non-diabetic chronic kidney disease patients |
2019 |
Bermudez Lopez, M.; Forne, C.; Amigo, N.; Bozic, M.; Arroyo, D.; Bretones, T.; Alonso, N.; Cambray, S.; Del Pino, M.D.; Mauricio, D.; Gorriz, J.L.; Fernandez, E.; Valdivielso, J.M. |
Article d'investigació |
Age- and Sex-Specific Risk Profiles and In-Hospital Mortality in 13,932 Spanish Stroke Patients. |
2019 |
Purroy F; Vena A; Forné C; de Arce AM; Dávalos A; Fuentes B; Arenillas JF; Krupinski J; Gómez-Choco M; Palomeras E; Martí-Fábregas J; Castillo J; Ustrell X; Tejada J; Masjuan J; Garcés M; Benabdelhak |
Article d'investigació |
Empathy and big five personality model in medical students and its relationship to gender and specialty preference: a cross-sectional study. |
2019 |
Guilera T.; Batalla I.; Forné C.; Soler González, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Machine learning analysis of serum biomarkers for cardiovascular risk assessment in chronic kidney disease |
2019 |
Forné, C.; Cambray, S.; Bermudez Lopez, M.; Fernandez, E.; Bozic, M.; Valdivielso, J.M. |
Article d'investigació |
Características y pronóstico de pacientes ingresados en un servicio de urgencias hospitalario por traumatismo craneoencefálico y con tratamiento anticoagulante o antiagregante |
2018 |
Yuguero ,O.; Guzman, M.; Castañ, T.; Forné, C.; Gisela, G.; Pujol, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy induced by Endonuclease G deficiency requires reactive oxygen radicals accumulation and is inhibitable by the micropeptide humanin. |
2018 |
Blasco N, Cámara Y, Núñez E, Beà A, Barés G, Forné C, Ruíz-Meana M, Girón C, Barba I, García-Arumí E, García-Dorado D, Vázquez J, Martí R, Llovera M, Sanchis D |
Article d'investigació |
Quality of care indicators for a resuscitation unit. A descriptive study propoposal |
2018 |
Yuguero, O.; Vena, A.; Forné, C.; Lacasta, J.D.; Llobet, C.; Abadías, M.J. |
Article d'investigació |
Confidence interval reporting for measures of association in multivariable regression models in observational studies |
2018 |
González Marrón, A.; Real, J.; Forné, C.; Roso Llorach, A.; Navarrete Muñoz, E.M.; Martínez Sánchez, J.M. |
Article d'investigació |
An Ordinal Joint Model for Breast Cancer |
2017 |
Armero, C.; Forné, C.; Rué, M.; Forte, A.; Perpiñán, H.; Gómez, G.; Baré, M. |
Article d'investigació |
Costs of outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) administered by hospital at home units in Spain |
2017 |
González-Ramallo VJ; Mirón-Rubio M; Mujal A; Estrada O; Forné C; Aragón B; Rivera AJ |
Article d'investigació |
Empathy and burnout of emergency professionals of a health region A cross-sectional study |
2017 |
Yuguero, O.; Forné, C.; Esquerda, M.; Pifarré, J.; Abadías, M.J.; Viñas, J. |
Article d'investigació |
Use of multiple regression models in observational studies (1970-2013) and requirements of the STROBE guidelines in Spanish scientific journals [Utilización de los modelos de regresión múltiple en est |
2016 |
Real J; Cleries R; Forné C; Roso-Llorach A; Martínez-Sánchez JM |
Article d'investigació |
Cost minimization analysis of the treatment of spasticity with botulinum toxin type A |
2016 |
Tapias G; García-Romero M; Crespo C; Cuesta M; Forné C; Pascual-Pascual SI |
Article d'investigació |
Cost-effectiveness analysis of omalizumab for the treatment of severe persistent asthma in real clinical practice in Spain |
2016 |
Vennera MC; Valero A; Uría E; Forné C; Picado C |
Article d'investigació |
Quality Reporting of Multivariable Regression Models in Observational Studies: Review of a Representative Sample of Articles Published in Biomedical Journals |
2016 |
Real J; Forné C; Roso-Llorach A; Martínez-Sánchez JM |
Article d'investigació |
Bayesian joint ordinal and survival modeling for breast cancer risk assessment |
2016 |
Armero C; Forné C; Rué M; Forte A; Perpiñán H; Gómez G; Baré M |
Article d'investigació |
Clinical variables impacting on the estimation of utilities in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
2014 |
Marc Miravitlles; Alicia Huerta; Manuel Valle; Patricia García-Sidro; Carles Forné; Carlos Crespo; José Luis López-Campos |
Article d'investigació |
Generic utilities in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients stratified according to different staging systems |
2014 |
Marc Miravitlles; Alicia Huerta; José Alberto Fernández-Villar; Bernardino Alcázar; Guillermo Villa; Carles Forné; Maribel Cuesta; Carlos Crespo; Francisco García-Río |
Article d'investigació |
Tumor phenotype and breast density in distinct categories of interval cancer: Results of population-based mammography screening in Spain |
2014 |
Domingo L; Salas D; Zubizarreta R; Baré M; Sarriugarte G; Barata T; Ibáñez J; Blanch J; Puig-Vives M; Fernández A; Castells X; Sala M; Comas M; Macià F; Martínez J; Rodríguez-Arana A; Román M; Romero |
Article d'investigació |
Cost-effectiveness and harm-benefit analyses of risk-based screening strategies for breast cancer |
2014 |
Vilaprinyo E, Forné C, Carles M, Sala M, Pla R, Castells X, Domingo L, Rue M. and the Interval Cancer (INCA) Study Group |
Article d'investigació |
Assessing the impact of early detection biases on breast cancer survival of Catalan women |
2014 |
Roso-Llorach A; Forné C; Macià F; Galceran J; Marcos-Gragera R; Rué M |
Article d'investigació |
El sobrediagnóstico del cáncer de mama: qué, cómo y cuánto. Resumen y comentario de: Duffy SW, Parmar D. Overdiagnosis in breast cancer screening: the importance of length of observation period and le |
2013 |
Montse Rué; Carles Forné |
Ressenya |
An assessment of existing models for individualized breast cancer risk estimation in a screening program in Spain |
2013 |
Arrospide A; Forné C; Rué M; Torà N; Mar J; Baré M |
Article d'investigació |
Prognostic relevance of integrated genetic profiling in adult T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia |
2013 |
Van Vlierberghe P; Ambesi-Impiombato A; De Keersmaecker K; Hadler M; Paietta E; Tallman MS; Rowe JM; Forné C; Rué M; Ferrando AA |
Article d'investigació |
How to Optimize Population Screening Programs for Breast Cancer Using Mathematical Models |
2012 |
Rue M; Carles M; Vilaprinyo E; Pla R; Martinez-Alonso M; Forne C; Roso A; Arrospide A |
Capítol de llibre d'investigació |